Electronic Filing Threshold Reduced in Draft 2023 Form 1094 and 1095 Instructions

November 30, 2023

  The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently released draft instructions for preparing, distributing, and filing 2023 Forms 1094-B/C and 1095-B/C. These instructions largely mirror guidance the IRS has published in previous years, except that the electronic filing threshold has been reduced from 250 forms to ten forms in aggregate.   This…

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2024 Health FSA Inflation Adjustments Released

November 22, 2023

  On November 9, 2023, the Internal Revenue Service issued Revenue Procedure 2023-34 that establishes various 2024 tax-related limits that have been adjusted for inflation. The table below identifies updates to the 2024 health and fringe benefit plans addressed in this notice.   Benefit  2023  2024  Maximum Annual Employee Contribution…

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Medication Non-Adherence: A Problem Employers Can Help Fix

November 16, 2023

Over 9 million adults cannot or do not take their medications as instructed. Did that stat make you pay attention? It should. Even if you offer insurance to your employees, they still might struggle with taking their medications and treating chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or high…

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Webinar: ACA the Easy Way

November 9, 2023

  Join Q4intelligence and Marissa Rufo of MZQ Consulting for a webinar on November 14, 2023, with an overview of the latest updates in employee benefits!    

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A happy team coming together and celebrating

Company Culture: The Productivity Powerhouse

November 2, 2023

Every employee has experienced those days when you feel awesome, energized, and accomplished at the office. Then there are those days when you can barely motivate yourself to show up, let alone get anything done. What’s the difference? Often, it comes down to your company’s work culture and environment. While…

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A group of people giving each other a high five

A Financial Wellness Wake-Up Call: How to Support Your Team

October 26, 2023

BrightPlan published its most recent Wellness Barometer Survey, a collection of data to help people learn what’s on employees’ minds and how employers can best support their team—especially in this changing market and workplace environment. The survey focuses on financial wellness, an essential concern for employees. We’ll define financial wellness,…

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