Maximizing Employee Benefits: Strategies for Effective Communication

January 11, 2024

Employers know employee benefits are important. 80% of employers think benefits increase productivity, and 78% think benefits increase loyalty. Employees want the total compensation package, which includes salary, company culture, and benefits. Since employee benefits are such a major investment, it’s crucial to have a plan in place that ensures employees…

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6 Employee Benefits Trends to Watch in 2024

January 4, 2024

As we step into 2024, the world of employee benefits continues to evolve. Understanding employee benefits trends isn’t just about keeping up with the latest perks; it’s about delving into what shapes employees’ working lives and wellbeing, and also the willingness of employers to tackle the trends and offer the…

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Cultivating Creativity: Transforming Organizational Mindsets

December 28, 2023

Humans tend to put themselves into metaphorical boxes, defining their abilities and characteristics in rigid, “either/or” ways. Consider this: Many people claim they’re analytical and not creative, believing these traits to be mutually exclusive. However, this binary thinking of “you’re either creative or you’re not” is restrictive. The brain is…

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Female pharmåacist selling medications at drugstore to a senior woman customer while using tablet

2023-2024 PCORI Fee Released

December 21, 2023

    The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) fee established by the Affordable Care Act helps fund research to evaluate and compare health outcomes, clinical effectiveness, risks, and benefits of medical treatment and services.  The fee is currently in place through 2029.  In Notfice 2023-70, the IRS announced that the…

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People eating pizza and making a toast

Beyond the Paycheck: 5 Ways to Show You Value Your Employees

December 14, 2023

Employees are the backbone of your company. They drive growth and ensure stability and success. But office life is hectic, and showing appreciation can sometimes slip through the cracks or put as an “I’ll do it later” item on your to-do list. Yet, when employees are recognized for their efforts,…

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Elevate Your Business in the New Year: Make Information Management a Priority

December 7, 2023

It’s that time again – when we all make resolutions that we swear we’ll stick to this time. We swear we’ll stay caught up on our to-do lists, organize our emails, or make those important phone calls. But here’s one your business genuinely can’t afford to skip: implementing a rock-solid…

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