Disability Insurance

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Offering Your Employees a Safety Net They Can Rely On
Most employees have little to fall back on if an injury or illness prevents them from working.
Disability insurance can help while giving the employee a chance to recover. By offering a full range of disability benefits, you can ensure your employees are prepared and covered, no matter what speed bumps get in the way. (Employer size may apply).
Your employee’s income is by far their most important financial asset. Through disability insurance, your employee’s income will be protected so that they can have peace of mind to recover and help your employees return to work faster, saving you the expensive costs with disruptions and lost productivity. Coverage can be employer-paid, employee-paid, or shared.
Your Trusted Benefits Provider
By offering a full range of disability benefits, you can ensure your employees are covered, no matter what life brings. Create a happier, more dedicated and more productive work environment that will affect your business’s bottom line.
With us, we won’t just give you the link, but we will be there to give a helping hand whenever you need it. Our Benefit Specialists can be reached by phone or email, and can provide answers to all of your questions. Call today to learn more or get your affordable quote!
We’re here to help navigate your company through the group healthcare buying process. Drop us a line for personalized options specifically for your business!

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